find us
Storgatan 49, 582 28 Linköping
There are a lot of bus stops nearby. The easiest way is to search at to see which bus suits you.
If you arrive by train to Linköping, it is a 15-minute walk to the hotel
There are several taxi companies to choose from and you can easily find a free taxi outside the airport and train station. Since prices can differ widely between different companies, be sure to get a fixed price before you begin your journey. If possible, choose an electric taxi for less climate impact.
Check-in & Check-out
Guaranteed check-in time is after 15:00 and check-out time is before 12:00.
Why should I book with you directly instead of making the reservation on the booking sites i.e, Expedia, etc.?
If you book with us directly we will give you the best rate, the best cancellation policies, bonus points on money spent and all other Best Western benefits. Please let us know that you chose to book directly after reading our FAQ.
Do I need my reservation number on arrival?
Yes, you do need your reservation number. We use self-check-in terminals.
Is there a luggage room in the hotel?
Yes, we do offer a luggage room to store luggage during the day of check-in or check-out.
Is it possible to pay the room by cash?
No, cash is not king here, we are a cashless hotel and we only accept debit and credit card.
Which debit and credit cards are accepted?
We accept VISA, Mastercard, Diners and AMEX, please note that we do not accept electronic cards.
Is it possible to stay in the hotel when you are under 18 years old?
No, only in the company by an adult. We do not accept children under 18 years old to stay by themselves.
Is it possible to put a baby crib in the room?
Yes, it´s possible in all rooms except single rooms without window.
Is it possible to put an extra bed in the room?
Yes, our standard rooms have an extra bed in the room. In the other rooms there’s unfortunately not enough space to fit an extra bed.
If you need more beds, the option is our family room. Here you’ll find a double bed and a bunk bed. The maximum number in these rooms is two adults and two children.
Are pets allowed?
Yes, we have animal rooms. You book these by contacting the reception.
Pets are welcome in the hotel room but can’t allow them in our restaurant and lounge unfortunately.
Do you only have rooms without windows?
No, out of our 151 rooms there are 32 without window, this should be clear when reading the room type description. Please make sure you read this information before making your reservation if you do not wish to stay in a room without a window. The rooms without a window are always less expensive.
Do you only have small rooms?
Yes, that is correct, our rooms are small (approx. 14 square meters) however, they are space-efficient with a high focus on quality, comfort and function. On top of taht we have 14 family rooms that are slightly bigger.
Are there any green areas nearby?
Yes, there are several parks and nature areas in the vicinity of the hotel. Trädgårdsföreningen is a large nice city park within a five minutes walk.
Do you have bike rental?
Unfortunately not. For bicycle rental we recommend LINBIKE.SE
Does the hotel have a parking space for hotel guests?
Yes there is a parking garage in adjacent to the hotel.
Are there work-out possibilities in the hotel?
Yes, the hotel has a fitness centre with changing rooms and saunas.
How can we leave a review of the hotel?
Please leave us a review at or the Best Western review site after your stay and tell us and others how your stay was.
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